Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cyrano de Bergerac...

Was a drama queen. A very good one at that. But reading that last scene is always good cartharsis, even if it is a bit embarassing. It's funny too! =]

Life imitates art and Art imitates life. That's the way things work.

Of course, watching this also helps:

(Watch at your own risk, this is PG ish for some language and relationship humor)

And this:

=] =] =]

These two are my favorite shorts, besides Pixar.

Ahhh, isn't it great being a hormonal teenager? ;)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness Gabriel...I think you may have just made my week. Those were so much fun! Now if only we could draw something of value out of them...why is it that cotton candy has to be so unhealthy for us?
Under the mercy,