Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Car Craze

Unlike most boys, I never really liked cars. They were simply pieces of metal and plastic which happened to transport people around from place to place. Most boys have dreamed of the bright red convertible sports car since the day they learned to make the "vroom vroom" sound of an engine. In short, I had thought myself immune to this epidemic of car craze.
But not anymore. That's it, I've gone over the top! I'm quite smitten. =]
Isn't it adorable? It isn't as amazing in pictures as in real life. They've just recently become available on the U.S. market. On the way to class today I passed by a smartcar and oooggled for a good 5 mins. It's like a little puppy on four wheels!

I don't think I'll be getting it for Christmas anytime soon though. =]

My mom thinks I'm weird. =] (For good reason!)


MK Reynolds said...

heh! Of course you wouldn't like cars till they became small and puppy dog like, heh. :)

That is very funny checkity!

Pauline said...

Oooh! It is adorable. They remind me a bit of those tiny little cars from the 40's and 50's..
Maybe we can find you a miniature toy version. ;-)