Sunday, June 22, 2008

Not So Good news...

My hands are tiny...

compared to Rachmaninoffs. (He could reach a 13th!!!)

*sniffles* I cannot practically reach a 10th.

The huge, thunderous begginning chords of Rach 2 have the left hand going from F to A flat with 2 notes in between. That's a 10th....and then some.


This must've been a little bit of what Moses felt when he was barred from the Promised Land.

=[ This is a dark, dark day. =[

What am I to do? sigh.


Pauline said...

Ohh.. :( I know how you feel.
Please do not injure yourself!
I wish there was some sort of automatic finger extension you could slip on when you needed it...
Good luck!

MK Reynolds said...

I can't reach a ten either, and I am only somewhat convinced that anyone can. :)
maybe you could borrow someone with bigger hands to hit the chords? :)

blarney said...

You could grow a sixth finger, or maybe learn telekinesis so that you can mentally press the keys down. :)