Monday, March 31, 2008

Out of the Tunnel...for now.

I suspect that in most things, as in piano, there comes a moment or any particular lull of time where you can step back take a breath and proudly yet humbly look over what God has helped you to accomplish. It's like driving up a mountain and you're going through this long dark winding tunnel and all of a sudden there's light and boom! you're looking down at the valley you just came up from and if you squint you can barely make out the tiny little cars that are at the same place you were a while ago. =] The funny thing about this mountain is that the top is a long, long, long way off, and you still have to go through quite a few more tunnels. But it's nice to know you have a few behind you. =]
I was finally able to finish Anna Karenina and I realize now how naive my first thoughts were. Some more hopefully less naive thoughts: Tolstoy has an amazing ability to find the perfect analogies that just completely embody the situation! And the whole book is just permeated with reality. All the characters are so, so well, it's almost like I wouldn't be surprised if I met them. An example of this is how often the characters are doing this pendelum (I spelled that wrong, but you get the idea) between sanity and insanity, grace and damnation, truth and lies. Ahhhh! I certainly am not the first or the last to gush over Anna K (A good thing!) but I just couldn't help writing out how wonderful the book is. I still don't think I get more than half of it. (Not get as in understand, but the impact of the book, the depth the hidden gems to be mined, those.) Yeah. It was amazing.
Term Papers are due tomorrow.
Gotta go. =] Be well. God Bless.

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