Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When Books Grow Limbs...

I love books.

In fact, the main decor of my room is books.

Every inch of desk space is covered with them.

and it's beginning to overflow my room...

And that is the point when Books actually begin to become lost.

Before I could easily find a book that I wanted because *looks* there it was on the corner of the third shelf on the left side of the room.

But now when I'm looking for The Writing Life (Annie Dillard) I look around, smile at the ocean of books surrounding me, shrug my shoulders, and decide that it'd probably be easier just to buy another copy from Amazon. ;)

Now, finding the Odyssey is a Quest! (Not Ironic at all!)

I may have a problem....but just maybe.


Blarney said...

Goodness, I know how you feel! 0_0

Ohmygoodness The Writing Life!! Dillard is glorious.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I know what that's like..my nightstand is typically piled higher than my lamp with books, I have two shelves full of just Torrey/"intellectual" books, a shelf two layers thick of other books, books outside my room on shelves, books on my nightstand, chair, floor...etc Where in the world do all those books disappear to? There must be some mystical land that they hide away in...

Rady said...

That sounds more like books multiplying than growing limbs :O!

Daniel said...

But do you really own your books?
Keep studying!

Tim said...

perhaps one day, when you decide to sleep in, we will build a tomb of books around your bed.