Monday, July 6, 2009


While most of my Friends will be at Wheatstone...

I'll be at an Evangelism Camp.


*breathes* *sniffles* sigh

I'll be okay...just barely. (Heh, if it wasn't anything less than saving souls I doubt I could've been herded into going!)

But you guys had better post pictures and tell me all about it when I get back.

Promise? ;)

And there's always next year! =D =D =D And I'm only 17!!! (Age limit is 19!)


Christian said...

Good bye friend!
Truly wish you the best of luck.

Elizabeth said...

We shall miss you greatly at Wheatstone, but I promise I'll come back with lots of pictures :)

Chris said...


You are forgetting that you will be in Torrey starting this Fall...which means you have a decent shot at applying for and getting to work as an intern for Wheatstone. No pay, but you get to be there for the week and enjoy, amidst working your tail off.

Just saying. I'll be looking for you at the Homer Marathon!