Friday, May 22, 2009

"To Boldly Go Where..."

Today was (I think) the official beginning of farewell to senior year.

So many memories.

So many happy memories.

So many beautiful memories.

Lest you think I shall be stuck in the past, I assure you, I look to the future with a stout heart and good cheer.

But I guess I just wanted to remark that if this was it -if tonight I (by God's grace) were called to enter Christ's courts, I would not think this life ill spent -because I have known you my friends.

If today my life were demanded of me, I would have no regrets.

It has been one of my greatest joys and privileges to come to know you all over the years (how few and short they seem!).

Many were the times when I'd look around at everyone and think to myself, "This truly is, a wonderful life".

And so it is, it truly, truly is a wonderful life.

How many can say that?

"We few, we happy few..."


Rebecca said...

Kid, you whole life is ahead of you. This is just the end of your childhood. I imagine it's a little like being born - you can only imagine what things are going to be like on the other side! :)

Christian said...

Sir, I consider it a privilege to know you. We should plan something during your freshman year, it's not as if you would be a million miles away :)

MK Reynolds said...

It's a wonderful life, no? :)

Blarney said...

You're a good fellow, sir! And this post was very encouraging, thank you. ^_^

Ariel said...

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to know you. I will remember all the good times past and present and look forward to those in the future.

Jonathan said...

Gabriel, it's been such a privelege to count you as a friend and a brother this past year- "For he that pulls an all-nighter with me before don rags shall be my brother"

But remember: This has just been a dream compared to the things in store for you in the rest of your life.

Further out and further in.

Tim said...

awww, i remember when we were just two sophomores in a class of collegians, eating lunch together

Prospero said...

It is good to know you also. It will be happy to join you for the beginning of your four year mission. I will meet you at the launch, and hopefully brief you on your new mission...