Friday, February 13, 2009

Facebook 2

I don't know dad has mom has aunts all have one. What am I supposed to do? Wait till Grandma gets one?!

Also...hehe...I started a facebook group using my sister's fb called "I hacked my little sibiling's facebook so I could stalk my friends".


Also, I really love me chums. ;)

So, I shall put it to a vote. As I have already done before. Do you, dear readers, think that I should get one? =]


Christian said...

Friend... you have an email address... you have a couple o' blogs... you have a BUBBS account...

What in tar-NA-tion would you need with a Facebook????

Joycelyn Choo said...

I disagree Christian, Gabriel you need a facebook because you keep using mine! Like Christie said don't worry about getting addicted cause your already addicted to mine.

Rady said...

LOL!!! It would be pretty funny if your grandma got one :D!!!

Hm, are your reasons for getting a facebook the same as before?

Calvin said...

Sure! :) Anyway, you can't superpoke on a BUBBS.... :)

Gabriel said...

Claviger: No.
Joycelyn: Yes!
Rady: Only if you can limit yourself.
Jane: Yes, Superpoking is fun. ;)

That's 2 and a half against 1. Anyonelse?

Pauline said...

Hmm..That's a toughie. I can't really say much since I have one myself..Though, I find that the struggle is less with time management as it is with learning to mind one's own business in an appropriate way. (If that makes any sense! It's something I'm not even very sure about yet.)

Best wishes with whatever you decide!

Pauline said...
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Pauline said...

Er, I should probably clarify what I meant: I think I meant "learning to mind one's own business in an appropriate way" in addition to keeping up with chumlets.

I mentioned it since it's something I've had trouble with, but I realized the way I wrote it sounded rather harsh.


Bambi said...

Gabriel, DO NOT LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN. I know I know, I am related and we live in the same house, and I am using the same keyboard that he had used to write that, but I completely disagree.
1) otherwise you will keep on hacking into Joycelyns, and confusing everyone when they get invitations about hacking into younger siblings facebooks, and then we all wonder why Joycelyn would make such a group ;)
2) facebook=fun :) (as you already know)

Tim said...

its free. it works. what other reason do you need?

Chris said...

Yes, you should give in on this one. FB is intimidating with it's cult-like uniformity, bu it's much better on the, I'll play you in Scrabble.