Thursday, October 30, 2008


My parent's rules for dating:

Me: So, what's a good time to start dating?

Mom and Dad: You can't date until after you're married

Me: ..........

Me: ........... O.O

Yeah.... =D

(For those of you who are even slower than I am, that was a joke) ;)


Rady said...

Your parents are cool. XD

Elizabeth said...

Oh, yes! Go Mr. and Mrs. Choo!!!! ;) (For those of you who may not know, my parents and I are committed to courtship and not dating, so although it was a joke, this was pretty sweet to read).

Tim said...


Too bad Chris Gabriel had such an impact on my life. I'm kind of a loose person now.

Blarney said...

I second Rady and Elizabeth!! That is glorious...:)

Pauline said...
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Pauline said...

Haha! Your parents are amazing. I remember your mum once said she'd make all her prospective children-in-laws read A Severe Mercy first.

Gabriel said...

Actually Pauline, I think I said that....=D

Pauline said...

Ohh! Maybe it was you.
Well, it's a good book either way. :)

Joycelyn Choo said...

I don't get it, how come you get like 8 comments, no 9 comments within 24 hours and I can only manage to get like 2 within 48 hours?!

Elizabeth said...

I want to know the exact same thing Joycelyn...maybe people just like your brother better than us?