Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In Which we Discover that Gabriel Generally Functions Much Better With Sleep

I've been slaving away at my Term Paper for the past two weeks. I haven't kept my journal since my birthday, I haven't done my devotions since last week, and I haven't slept for more than 10 hours in the past three days. Which is why I feel like singing odes to Coffee...and my friends who have so graciously helped me through this. (There is no intended order of importance in that short list!) Coffee is sooooo good! All hail Cappuccino!


Tim said...

hooray for crappuccino!

i'll bet you a frozen meal you get at least an honorable mention for your hard work at the banquet.

MK Reynolds said...

um, this is slightly frightening.
It may be appropriate penance for you to watch Disney movies until your soul recovers. :P

Calvin said...

I think tea or hot cocoa is much..... Um, dare I say better? :) All ye coffee lovers, I don't get it!!

MK Reynolds said...

you see, coffee is strong, and really tasty. You add sugar and milk, it's so lovely. :) :)

Calvin said...

So, really it's a matter of taste?

Gabriel said...

Not exactly. There's also the buzzy energy that you get from it. Honestly, though, don't drink coffee in excess. It is technically a drug and it can be addicting. Seriously. =P

Jonathan said...

Coffee? Addicting? Nonsense!

Gabriel said...

I had coffee last night. I did not feel tired a bit till about 4:30. =D I shall be using it the next time we have a marathon...