Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oh the Humanities!

(Or Why I decided to major in Philosophy)

First off I couldn't resist:

Caption: I just Kant do it!

Okay, okay Horrible, aaah-I-want-to-hit-my-head-against-the-wall pun I know! =P

On a more serious note, here are some main reasons, not all of them, but a good overview I think...

1. It's something that I think I want to do for the rest of my life. Learning to love God with all my mind, is it not a worthy goal? Essentially, I want to wake up everyday, go to work and teach people how to love God. The best thing is, it's a journey that carries over into the next life. Who can know the depths of God? There is no end to His Love.

2. It seems like a good avenue through which I can channel my talents. I'm not spectacular, but I'm not totally incompetent either.

3. It's a great springboard for studies in Theology. Which I plan to pursue in graduate school.

Thinking back, the book of Proverbs has also highly influenced my decision.

My only regret is that with Torrey Honors on top of this major, and all my spare units devoted to Business classes, I won't hardly have any time for music classes. =[

But that will be a moot point if I don't first finish my application essay...haha...

Does anyone know of any people who are affiliated (teach, have taken this major, etc.) with this major at Biola? Is this a wise decision? I want input! (Please)

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!


MK Reynolds said...

this is exciting Gabriel!

Rady said...

I second your friend, I'm so happy for you! On 1, that's one of the best things I've heard. On 2, you are spectacular, never cut yourself short. On 3, you can preach more for us. ^_^ Good luck with your endeavours, and let's talk about this soon!